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macian - activity

in shock experiences

macian , is one of three "Alchemist acute" products. It was developed to provide an anchor that offers stability and security during shock experiences. The essence provides support when emotions become overwhelming and the need for calm and balance is urgent.

Shocking experiences can suddenly turn life upside down and trigger a variety of emotions, from fear and confusion to anger and frustration. In such moments, it is important to find a way to calm yourself down, understand your feelings and keep a clear head.

With targeted ingredients and a calming effect, the product helps to cope with shock experiences and restore emotional balance.

Mental-spiritual transformation goal

macian helps you to process and overcome psychological injuries and shock experiences. You will find unconventional solutions when you lose your footing and lack security. You can react calmly and with emotional distance to emotional trauma or shock situations.

Physical applications:

Circulatory and digestive problems as a result of shock, loss and grief; often accompanied by herpes infections, depressive moods, anxiety, nervous restlessness

The essence has the following effects: nerve-calming, stabilizing, stimulating circulation, analgesic, stimulating metabolism

macian - activity

SKU: AW.10.030
30 Milliliters
Sales Tax Included |
  • 3 - 5 working days after receipt of payment on our bank account

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